Getting ready for the swim is going to be difficult, no question. But as I think about, there are a number of factors working in my favor. For what it’s worth, here’s a listing of what’s good, challenging and undecided when it comes to the swim:
In my favor
- Tend to run hot when exercising, hopefully that will help keep the chill out during the swim
- Live in a town on the coast; easy access to beaches
- Water temps are virtually the same here and in Dover
- Swimming background
- Experience doing long-distance events, including 2.4 and 3.1 mile swims
- Flexible work schedule and vacation allowance
- Friends, family who want to come be part of the crew
- Still young enough that this is feasible
- Pool nearby with lots of open swim times and lanes, Masters practices
Working against me
- Despite being hot when exercising, my fingers and toes do get cold easily (thanks 12 years of bus stops in New England!)
- Balancing training time with the everyday demands of work, family
- Travel for work every 4-6 weeks; tough to find reasonably priced hotels with legit pools
Could go either way
- The 3 Beach Minimum Half Marathon (that I organize, not run) is the Sat before the swim week (which is the following Thu-Tue). Good timing that the final prep and race will be during the taper, or too much to manage?
- Work event in London the Mon-Tue prior to the swim week. No guarantee I’ll attend, but I may get asked to go. Upside means my flight will be comped, downside is it sets up this insanity:
- Thu-Fri: Final prep/setup for the race
- Sat am: Half marathon
- Sat pm: Break down race
- Sat night: Fly to London (overnight)
- Sun: Final prep for speaking sessions
- Mon-Tue: Speak at work event
- Wed: Meet family, friends; Go to Dover
- Thu (potentially wee hours of Thu am): Swim
- Could be a bit much…